Some people swear that LSD has never caused them any problems, while others claim that it has led to some very scary episodes. So, what’s the truth? Can LSD cause seizures? In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the potential risks associated with using LSD. Read on!

Whether after ingesting LSD or not, if you notice somebody having a seizure, remember to SMILE: 

Ssupport them gently
Mmake notes as of when it happened and what the person was doing
Iinstruct someone to get help or call an ambulance
Lloosen their clothing if it’s too tight
Eexamine the surroundings so that they stay safe 

Do Hallucinogens Cause Seizures?

Pure hallucinogenic drugs rarely result in seizures. However, with using liquid chromatography technology, researchers have found that some hallucinogens circulating the streets have been laced with phenylethylamine. What is important here is that this drug will not show up on standard toxicology screens, meaning that a user will have no way of finding out whether what they took was pure. And even worse news is that this drug can in fact cause seizures.

Drugs That Cause Seizures

There is a variety of drugs associated with seizures. Drugs that increase the risk of seizures include those that act on the central nervous system, such as amphetamine and methamphetamine. Opioids and opiates can also lead to seizure activity, especially when used in high doses. Cocaine use can also cause seizures by disrupting the normal electrical activity in the brain. Finally, MDMA use has been linked to an increased risk of seizures, as well as other serious health problems. But can LSD cause seizures?

Journal: Psychedelic Notebook

Fun Fact

One substance that is rarely related to as a “drug” that does actually cause seizures is caffeine. It is a powerful stimulant, and as a society, we seem to tolerate the abuse of it way too often. 

Can LSD Cause Seizures?

Lysergic acid diethylamide is a powerful psychoactive drug that can produce significant visual and perceptual changes. While it is not common, there have been rare reports of people experiencing seizures after taking LSD. Additionally, people with a history of epilepsy may be at risk of having seizures after ingesting LSD. While the exact mechanisms are not fully understood, it is thought that LSD may act on the nervous system in a way that predisposes some individuals to seizures.

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So, can LSD cause seizures? It is rather not likely. However, as we have mentioned, there have been cases of hallucinogens laced with seizure-inducing drug. If you buy a blotter paper, for example, there will be no way of telling whether it’s been treated with something else or not.

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Other Dangerous LSD Effects

Recreational use of LSD is thought to be completely safe. But that’s only half the story. Hallucinations caused by the drug can easily turn into a horrifying experience. They can also appear as flashbacks even years after taking LSD. Another potential danger is suffering from psychosis. On top of that, LSD overdose can result in serious physical and mental conditions (gastrointestinal distress, paranoia, or tachycardia).

In conclusion, can LSD cause seizures? Rarely. But it can result in plenty of other undesirable effects. For this reason, one should seriously rethink whether one wants to use the drug. 

Can LSD Cause Seizures FAQs

Can LSD Cause Seizures FAQs

We’ve noticed that people interested in the topic of LSD and seizures often ask the questions below:

What Drugs Cause Seizures?

Seizures are abnormal electrical activity in your brain, and they can be caused by various factors. The main drugs that cause seizures are cocaine, caffeine, and amphetamines; however the last one only rarely causes seizures.

NTERC Fantasy Forest Tapestry

Do Psychedelics Cause Epilepsy?

Regarding psychedelics and their possible link to epilepsy, the scientific research is still ongoing. However, what we do know for sure is that psychedelics like LSD and psilocybin are not likely to cause epilepsy. There is no evidence from human studies of any measurable increased risk of developing epilepsy due to psychedelic drug use. 

See also:  Does LSD Kill Brain Cells or Fry Your Brain? Long-Term Effects of LSD

What Is a Psychogenic Seizure?

A psychogenic seizure is a type of seizure characterized by dramatic changes in a person’s behavior. This can include anything from strange body movements to sudden emotional outbursts, and it often looks like an epileptic seizure at first glance. It’s important to note, however, that while the symptoms may be similar, they are not actually caused by epilepsy or any other neurological disorder. Psychogenic seizures are triggered by psychological distress, such as intense stress or trauma. 

So, we know LSD probably won’t cause seizures. But what about other troubling conditions? Read more in our article about LSD psychosis!

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