LSD, or lysergic acid diethylamide, is a powerful psychedelic drug made from the ergot fungus that can cause significant changes in mood and perception. While LSD is known for its ability to produce feelings of euphoria, it can also have more unpredictable effects on your body. Can you sleep on LSD? Read on to learn more.


  • Tryptamine is a chemical compound found in a variety of plants and animals that can also be produced synthetically for use as a recreational drug, like LSD.
  • At high doses, LSD can affect your sleep cycle by increasing the time it takes to fall asleep and reducing overall sleep duration. This can lead to less restful sleep, leaving you feeling exhausted when you’re finally awake. 
  • It’s been shown that both LSD and tryptamine increase wakefulness, decrease REM sleep, and decrease spindle sleep. 
  • Can you sleep on LSD? Yes, but it can be tricky due to the potential effects of tryptamine on sleep cycles which include: insomnia; vivid dreaming; lucid dreams; distortion of one’s sense of time.

Tryptamine: What Is It?

Tryptamine is a chemical compound found in a variety of plants and animals. It can also be produced synthetically for use as a recreational drug, like LSD. Tryptamine can act as both an agonist and antagonist of serotonin receptors in the brain, meaning it can either activate or inhibit them depending on the dosage and context. So, can you sleep on LSD, and how does LSD affect your sleep cycle?

Editor’s Note

It is important to remember that LSD can be a dangerous and unpredictable drug. Always use caution when using any mind-altering substances, and make sure you are in a safe environment with trusted people around. If you have any questions about your sleep cycle or the effects of LSD, speak with a medical professional for more information.  ​

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How Does LSD Affect Sleep?

At high doses, LSD can affect your sleep cycle by increasing the time it takes to fall asleep and reducing overall sleep duration. This can lead to less restful sleep, leaving you feeling exhausted when you’re finally awake. Some users report increased vivid dreaming while on LSD, which can cause further disruption of their sleep. In addition, LSD can also cause restlessness or agitation, which can further impair sleep quality.

See also:  LSD Visual Distortions: Acid Trips and Psychedelic Visions

It’s been shown that both LSD and tryptamine increase wakefulness, decrease REM sleep, and decrease spindle sleep. REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep is a significant part of the sleep cycle and can be affected by taking LSD. When it’s decreased, it can leave you feeling tired and can lead to a lack of energy during the day after an acid trip.

how does lsd affect sleep

Can You Sleep on LSD?

So, can you sleep on LSD? Yes, you can still sleep on LSD if you manage your dosage and set up a calming environment for yourself before bedtime. How to fall asleep on LSD? Taking a lower dose can make it easier to fall asleep while still feeling the effects of the drug. However, It can be difficult to stay asleep for long periods of time due to the effects of LSD on a person’s sleep cycles. Also, a common side effect of LSD is time distortion, which can make it hard to keep track of time and can lead to difficulties in maintaining a regular sleep schedule.

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Do you want to know more? Read an article about LSD dreams!

The Effects of Hallucinogens on Sensory Perception

LSD can also affect how you perceive the world around you and cause hallucinations. It can cause an altered state of consciousness, in which colors, sounds, and images can seem brighter and more intense. This can lead to feelings of awe or confusion, which can further interfere with your ability to sleep.

Can You Sleep on LSD? Conclusion

Overall, can you sleep on LSD? While it can be tricky, it is possible to still get a good night’s sleep while taking LSD as long as the dosage is managed. However, due to the potential effects of tryptamine on sleep cycles, it can still be difficult to stay asleep for more than a few hours. LSD trips can cause insomnia, vivid dreaming, lucid dreams, and can distort one’s sense of time, making it more difficult to get a good night’s sleep.

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The arousal persists even after the drug effects have worn off. Although the effects can be intense, LSD can still allow people to sleep, however, not as deeply or easily as they might without taking the drug.

See also:  LSD Flashbacks: What Are They & How Are They Different From Acid Visuals?

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